Saturday, February 6, 2021


 So I rediscovered when your faith is questioned, when re-examination comes to play and you are reassured that yes it is and yes you are worthy and yes you are strong and yes time to get stronger for you are needed. For the day of reckoning is upon us and the light warriors need to be prepared for within the cobwebs of the lost wandering souls a cleansing is needed, for Terra and the souls freedom to awaken to a clearer vision so that our true heaven can be reborn unto us all.  These days have been before and these days will be again. What side are you on?  Can you see with eyes and a heart filled with a majestic light of love or are you trapped in the cobwebs of fear and judgement.  Don’t worry we a gearing up to come free you, so that your eyes may see.  God is here, god is near, all is well, all is coming, thank you spirits of the light, all that is has our back, you are supported, so gear up warriors of the light, redemption for Terra and the universe is upon us.  Love wins every time, may be tested, yet reassurance is always a positive.  Thank you, to those who question or debate your faith, in that more strength is born, let’s go.  Onward...

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